In this IELTS vocabulary pronunciation guide output, your goal or aim in mind is to score band 8, when you register for the IELTS test. Either you are pursuing a higher education or you have issues with your job or training. Anyhow, with a few exceptions, you are travelling from a non-English-speaking country to one where the language is spoken. Therefore, in order for native English speakers to understand you clearly, you must both understand how the language is pronounced in the country and pronounce your words correctly. Speaking English smoothly and with the correct pronunciation is a challenge for non-native speakers, especially if you attended non-English-medium schools in the past. Even if you are an American who wants to relocate to the UK for a job or higher education, the average British person who is unfamiliar with the normal American accent will have difficulty comprehending your English.

Therefore, you must pronounce words according to International English. You’re not expected to imitate an American’s accent or a “Chinese’s” accent when you talk, are you? This is where the standard of “Perfection of Pronunciation” that is acceptable to all people in all nations of the world comes into play. Since English is the primary language of the British people, it stands to reason that the “British way” of pronouncing a word should be accepted as the standard for pronunciation. But a mystery still stands. Though the “British English” is officially free from southern or northern bias, there is a definite difference in “pronunciation” between the “Southern part” and the “Northern part” of Britain. However, we won’t conduct research on “English Pronunciation.” We must be aware of and adhere to the IELTS authority’s recommended course of action.

Please visit for further information on how to pronounce English correctly. Let’s learn what the IELTS organisation considers to be proper pronunciation now.

Your “Pronunciation” in the IELTS tests is important in all sections, not only the speaking test. Your proficiency in “Pronunciation of Native Speaker” is important in the listening test. It is crucial to pronounce words correctly because 25% of your marks on the speaking test are based on how well you pronounce. The pronunciation issue will unavoidably affect your fluency, and it is frequently the area where non-English speaking candidates struggle. Many of them believe that learning to pronounce words correctly is too difficult. It is actually a skill that must be properly honed via practise. You should employ a variety of “Pronunciation Features” during the speaking portion of the test.

What exactly are “Pronunciation Features”?

Numerous pronunciation characteristics needed to be covered in detail, including:

Every sound produced by a speaker of the English language is organised according to a phonemic chart.

What is a phonemic chart, and how may it improve your pronunciation of English?

Each sound in spoken English is represented by a different symbol on the phonemic chart. To learn more, click the aforementioned link. The phonemic chart is highly helpful for assisting someone who has pronunciation issues in identifying challenging sounds. Most people have trouble pronouncing some words, and if they can use the phonemic chart to correct the issues, they would truly be able to enhance their pronunciation substantially. Here, we provide a link to the interactive phonemic chart of the British Council, which functions as a guide for correcting pronunciation.

The next category is phonemic spellings. If you have trouble spelling a word, you might try to find the term’s phonemic spelling. You may find what you need in the majority of online dictionaries (and some offline ones, too), but the Cambridge Online Dictionary is arguably one of the most dependable resources. There are also a few excellent websites you may use for practise at home. You could learn how a natural English speaker pronounces a word by using such websites. To clearly understand “How to rectify your pronunciation,” click the provided links and read the webpages. Some students mix up the term’s “accent” and “pronunciation.” But it’s obvious how the two are different from one another. While “accent” refers to a specific “speech pattern,” “pronunciation” refers to “the manner of uttering a word.”

How will you then correct your pronunciation?

You need to start speaking and listening a lot of English as a fundamental preparation. The greatest and most popular sources for listening are “TV NEWS” and “Debate Shows in English” on international TV channels. Choose your friends, family, or anybody you want to converse with in English, but they all need to have excellent English-speaking skills. The next step is to acquire from the Internet a selection of audios produced specifically for the IELTS Speaking Tests. If the UK is your final destination, you should download the conversation of “Native British Speakers,” whereas if the USA is your target, you should download the conversation of “Native American Speakers.” Then, after giving them several listens, write down the conversations on paper. Set up a recording device; your cell phone should work well enough. Now read the text aloud while recording your voice. Try to pronounce it as the native speakers would, but avoid adopting their accent. One of the best “DIYS” for improving pronunciation is undoubtedly this. Now seek the assistance of a “Good English Teacher” who can correct and direct you appropriately. As previously mentioned, you can use the “Phonemic Chart” found in online dictionaries. Use a “Experienced and English-Speaking Teacher” to help you learn more effectively. Find the English words you are having problems pronouncing by reading an English newspaper aloud. Use “Online/Offline English Dictionaries” once more to assist you in resolving your issue. Find words that are challenging to say and add them to your vocabulary in preparation for the IELTS tests, especially the speaking test. Now, it would be very helpful to use the online and offline dictionaries and listen to the pronunciations.

a few words that are challenging to say, like:

Moustache, Hazards, ecstatic (sounds like an “id”), Finished, laughed (sound ends with a “t”), yelled (shaw-tied), Wednesday, pronounced wenz-dey Homoeopathy (ho-meeo-pu-thee), Colleague (ko-leeg), and Talent (ta-lunt). Some words with similar sounds include Weather (which sounds like we-dhur), and Whether (which sounds like we-dhur).

You don’t need to cram terms like the ones mentioned above because there are so many of them. However, the issue would be resolved as soon as you understood how to pronounce things correctly. The words cannot be written on the keyboard to let you comprehend them; thus, you must listen to understand the words according to the phonemic chart. Here is a phonemic chart illustration that you should study and comprehend. It appears that:

Does the image make sense in its entirety? No, reading the chart won’t help you; listening is the only way to grasp these pronunciations. In addition, you must learn where to place “Stress” when speaking or pronouncing any word. There are often two sorts of stress: “Word Stress” and “Sentence Stress.”

Word Stress: What Is It?

To emphasise a word, such as “photograph,” underline it with the letters “fo-tu,” “graf,” “thunderbolt,” and “dur bowlt.” Actually, every word has at least two syllables, and when you speak a word, you emphasise one or more of its syllables. Therefore, incorrectly placed stress by a non-native English speaker would not be understood by a native speaker, and would therefore be considered incorrect pronunciation.

What does ‘sentence stress’ mean? When a word is stressed while speaking in English, the meaning of the sentence changes. Which phrases should you emphasise? The italicised words are the solutions:

Please arrive tomorrow at 9 a.m. sharp and meet me in Room 307 on the third level.

Please meet me tomorrow at 9 a.m. precisely. Keep in mind that I’ll be in room 307 on the third floor.

The two phrases contain two different kinds of words: the “Content Words” (which are typically verbs, adverbs, nouns, etc.) and the “Function Words” (which are grammar rules like pronouns, articles, prepositions, and so on).

Additionally, you ought to study “Shifting Stress”: The meaning of the following statements will vary if the stress is changed:

1) I didn’t say we should put the dog to death. 2) The emphasis is changed, and the message is altered. I did not say that we should kill the dog. In the first sentence, the speaker is attempting to claim that he did not say what he did, but in the second, he claims that he did not order the dog to be killed. The dog could have been scared away or beaten, but not murdered. As a result, you might learn the following by utilising some online or offline dictionaries: The weak sounds, the linking sounds, the linking of consonants and vowels, the linking of vowels and consonants, the doubling out of sounds, micro listening, and annotating. All of this will aid in improving your pronunciation scientifically, and you’ll be able to pronounce unfamiliar, challenging words with ease.

As we already indicated, 25% of your marks on the speaking test will be determined by how effectively you pronounce English, and 25% of your marks on the listening test will be determined by how well you comprehend the pronunciation of native speakers. You shouldn’t worry too much about pronunciation; if you use the methods recommended, learning it will be simple. It can be a little difficult, but not impossible, to overcome your “mother tongue bias.” It is a requirement for all candidates. The sound of a candidate speaking English in his own tongue is disgusting. Therefore, it is always advised for candidates to work with a “English Speaking” tutor who can help them improve in a few months. When a candidate speaks up during the speaking portion of the examination, the examiner is undoubtedly impressed, and the end result affects his band score. Get good scores in IELTS with online classes in 2023.


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